October 7, 2013

Personal Style: { Kelly Green }

{ Outfit: Dress- a gift, bought in Sri Lanka/ Flats-Target}

So I have been looking for a dress almost exactly like this for a long time. Finally, my style prayers were answered this summer when my boyfriend’s mom bought me this dress on a girls’ day out :) Green will always be a favorite color of mine and the fact that it suits my skin tone, just thrills me to no end. I foresee a long, happy life for this dress. And no, it really doesn't take a whole lot to make me happy.

On a side note (well it’s the main note, I mean you don’t come here to read about my life, let’s get real) although dresses like this scream summer sun, you can easily winterize them in a few ways:

1.       Wear with a brown leather jacket and booties. Add a floppy hat for good measure
2.       Add black tights and a coat.
3.       Tights, a blazer and heels make this look work and weather appropriate during the colder months
4. Wear a shirt or sweater over the dress and get more mileage out of it by pretending it is a green skirt!

Another side note: Green is Pantone's color of the year. Read more about that and other fall/winter style trends here.
There you go, a dose of style provided by yours truly. Now you actually learned something (maybe?) from this blog post instead of only reading about my scavenger hunt: closet edition.

May you find adventure even in the small ways :)

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