October 6, 2013

Personal Style: { Mad Men } Retro Dressing


{ Outfit: Dress and Shirt-Target/ Shoes-Walmart/ Aviators-H&M }

Hey Ladies,

I was feeling a little retro so what else could I do except dress up, channel some Mad Men and pretend I was in the fifties!? Laura and I took these pictures by a very colorful, old-school day care van perfect for the occasion - the colors and patterns work nicely to achieve a fifties, retro look. I got the shirt and dress from Target for super cheap because it was on clearance and the plaid shoes I bought years ago at a Walmart in Canada. To accessorize, I simply added pearl earrings and aviators. 

Would you ever wear retro-inspired outfits? What is your favorite fashion era?

Stay classy,

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