October 28, 2013

Personal Style: { La Dolce Vita }

{ Outfit: Dolman sleeved blouse - old/ Sailor shorts - Gina Tricot/
Rings and Sandals - Target/ Earrings - Thrifted }

This outfit is a favorite of mine because I had a great time wearing it to a get-together towards the end of summer. The sandals are very similar to those by Dolce Vita, and my hunt for them was futile (they were out of stock just as soon as they had come in) until I saw these look-alikes at Target. Of course I snatched them up. I mean, wouldn't you? Yes? That's what I thought. To finish this look off, I tied my hair in a high bun, added some mascara and applied nude lip gloss. 

P.S. The title of this post is not misleading at all. Between my sandals and these beautiful flowers surrounding me, what's not sweet about life?

Baci e abbracci,

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