March 28, 2014

Favorite Things Friday

This year has flown by -- can you believe we're almost into the fourth month? I am trying to branch out into new things, learn new skills and do more with my time, but it hasn't been so easy. Well, baby steps, right? Here are some of my favorite things this week:
{Make a tropical mango+peach smoothie to beat the last of the winter blues}
{Paint your nails and put on some rings. You can even stack them on one finger!} 
{Explore your local thrift store. You might find some great treasures like these antique gold trunks}

{I am super excited for the weather to warm up so that I can really indulge in this season's fashion!}
{Check out this video of Joseph Gordon Levitt, Stephen Merchant and Jimmy Fallon doing a lip sync battle -- you're welcome!}

Giggles and squeals!
xoxo - Chrissy

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