November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving and Sri Lankan "Kings" Chicken Curry Recipe

Happy Turkey Day Everybody!!

Here are five things I'm thankful for:
 1. Family - Your biggest supporters and the people closest to you will get you further than any material thing can. Relationships are so important and in today's busy world, we should all remember to make more time for our loved ones. 

2. Friends - I am lucky to have amazing friends. No matter where we are in the world, we make time for each other and pick up where we left off. A phone conversation, a three-way Skype chat or a long email is all it takes.

3. Health - I'm thankful that I'm blessed with good overall health. We seldom stop to think of being so blessed - flexibility, good skin and having a well functioning body. I am definitely going to appreciate what I have and take better care of my mind, body and soul!

4. Plain ginger tea which soothes my soul and keeps me warm on these cold winter nights, while I huddle in a blanket and read a book.

5. Humor - life certainly has its ups and downs and this year has certainly been a trying one. But when you can laugh at yourself and have a sense of humor, things get to be a little more bearable.

What are you thankful for this year? 

I promised you all a Sri Lankan recipe, and while I didn't have to do any cooking this time, I found a really great recipe online. Try it out and let me know what you think!

XOXO - Chrissy

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