July 26, 2012

Personal Style: { Burgundy } and White

My Outfit:
White Jeans - Forever 21/Burgundy blouse - Gap/ Belt - vintage Herve Bernard
Bag - Miu Miu/ Sandals - Indian hand-made, gifted.

What's up, buttercup? Long time, no see. I've been so busy, I barely had time to breathe. But I love you all for still loving me, well the blog anyway ;) My computer's busted and that has added to my blogging disappearance as well. I'm in the process of getting it fixed. In other news, the weather needs to make up it's mind. In these pictures, it was a cold day, but I've forgotten what those are like, because all we seem to be having these days is muggy, humid weather. Also, notice the shirt I'm wearing - I created a fake peplum by cinching the ballooning shirt at the waist. I love the tan and burgundy together.

Talk to you soon-ish!

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