June 2, 2012

One Year Blog Anniversary!!

Phew, what a busy day it has been - finally found some time to say this:
One year ago, on June 01, I made the leap and debuted my secret hobby into the world! And can I just say, I wouldn't have it any other way. I have loved the whole journey and learned so much through it all. But while I am so happy that I get to write and create and express my thoughts whether it is through the clothes I wear, the food I like or the quotes I share, the best(est!) part is that I can count each and every one of you and be thankful - for you! For encouraging me to start, for sticking with it, reading loyally, remembering your favorite posts, commenting, liking and following and generally just taking the time to read the things I share on the internet- you have truly made a difference to me. So thank you, merci, gracias! Let the good times keep rolling!


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