February 29, 2012

Personal Style: { Vintage White } and Merlot Tights

We finally had some warmer weather a couple weeks ago - perfect weather for a concert series. There isn't always a lot to do in small towns but I'm glad the ND Musuem of Art makes an effort to put on some good shows. I went to a classical music show - two performers on the piano and clarinet performing compositions from "East to West". The music was very good and soulful - perfect for a Sunday afternoon. I will have a write-up about it later.

Anyway, onto the outfit. I love a black and white monochromatic look and burgundy is a hot favorite of mine right now, so I mixed the two together and voila! Instant chic! I love this vintage button-up blouse. It was a thrifted find and I know it's something I will save for my daughter someday - is that a little too far into the future? A girl can dream :)
Blouse - Vintage Kathy Che, thrifted
Skirt with belt - unknown brand, bought in Malaysia
Crossbody bag and burgundy tights - Target
Ankle boots - JC Penney

xo - Chrissy

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