November 26, 2011

Men's Style: { Very Plaid To Meet You }

Hello boys!

Here's a more relevant (read: not about women's style) post for you. It's been a while I know, but you have not been forgotten. After a lot of convincing, my roommate and friend, Aadhil Niyas, finally gave in and let me snap some pics of his outfit! 

Here, Aadhil is wearing a plaid shirt, black jeans and flip flops - great when you want to go casual but still look put-together without sacrificing comfort.

What I like about this plaid shirt is how it is the best of both worlds with it's classic navy/red/white combo and modern details. Plaid is always in and this season it has made a major scene.

   Notice the Chinese collar on 
this shirt, along with the slit pocket detailing. I love clothes with interesting details and this is great example of classic with a twist. See boys, you do have options :)

Aadhil enjoying the last of warm Midwest evenings

Hopefully, this inspires you to take a teeny step out of your comfort zone and experiment with subtle details for a strong impact!


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